The end or the beginning...
Posted On Thursday, October 22, 2009 at at 1:47 AM by AndrewThe final examinations for my Persons and Family relations class has just ended. DAMN! It was damn difficult. Haha! Oh well, im just glad, I got that over with it. Whoo. I’m done with three hours of nerve-wracking thoughts of what the correct answer might be for heaven’s sake. Nevertheless, I feel bad for the questions I was not able to supply with the correct answers. Oh well, that’s life. Only one more exam to go which would be on Saturday. Luck indeed plays a factor in exams as well. Haha! If in my undergraduate course I always hope for a grade of 1-1.75, and anything lower is a bad grade, in Law school, a grade of 3.0 would be like heaven for me. That is how tough law school really is, especially here in UP. Nevertheless, learning from the best law professors in the country, what more could I ask for? I just hope that I will be able to survive the world of hell, also known by the name of UP LAW!!! Ehehehe! I just hope I'd pass becaquse three 5.0's and I'm out of law school.. whoo. scary!!!