Europa europa DVD movie review

The plot is all about the life of the Jews in the hands of the Nazis of Germany in the Second World War. The movie in itself was superb. It really portrayed the hardship of the Jews during those times. There were scense showing Jews scattered all over the streets lying on he floor like vermin. THe main character Salomon 'Solly' 'Salek' Perel / Josef 'Jupp' Peters, portrayed by Marco Hopschnieder, shows how a Jew survived the war by concealing his true roots which is Jewish. It really is a good movie  which portrayed Jewishe persecution and the white supremacy shown by Hitler's Aryan supremacy. A rivia that I would like o add here is that the Aryans belong to an Arabic ribe and it is quite ironic that Hitler thought of them as white and thus supreme. I so love this movie!!! A must by definitely!

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